Damsels in Distress?

Michelle Obama and Letizia Rocasolano are two of the most powerful women in the world. Among the many things they have in common, one stands out as crucial: both represent the social mobility of today’s Western World.

  • Periodista, escritora, traductora. Pasó infancia y juventud entre París y Washington DC. Licenciada en Filología Inglesa (Complutense). Máster en Dirección Comercial (IE). Antes de especializarse, trabajó una década el sector cultural (Salvat, Turner, Microsoft Encarta, Warner). Tres novelas y dos ensayos publicados. Traducción de clásicos británicos y estadounidenses: Dickens, Eliot, Poe, Kipling, Wilde, Twain. Escribe en prensa española y latinoamericana desde 2007, en La Razón, La Gaceta de los Negocios, Vozpópuli, Actual, Cuarto Poder, Arcadia. Desde 2022 trabaja en el Grupo Borrmart como periodista del departamento digital. Último libro: Covidiotas (2021) reportaje sobre la mala gestión de la pandemia española.

Michelle Obama and Letizia Rocasolano are two of the most powerful women in the world. Among the many things they have in common, one stands out as crucial: both represent the social mobility of today’s Western World.

Michelle Obama and Letizia Rocasolano are two of the most powerful women in the world. Among the many things they have in common, one stands out as crucial: both represent the social mobility of today’s Western World. Coming as they both do from two average working-class environments, no one in their families could have ever suspected that one day they would become the First Lady of the United States and the Queen of Spain. Both Michelle and Letizia have a university degree –Law, Journalism– and are well-read and articulate. Both work to improve the quality of culture and education in their countries, and perhaps foremost, they know from personal experience how wildly unfair the world can be.

And what are people saying when they see this image of the two world-famous women walking across the White House lawn hand-in-hand? Well, folks, it sure ain’t intellectual. Yes, America has greeted the Spanish Royals warmly on their September US Tour, the couple’s first official visit to Washington DC since King Felipe ascended the throne last year. The reason behind this trip was political, because Spain faces the challenge of elections in Catalonia on September 27th, with polls indicating that secessionists –who claim their independence–, could win. So Obama saying, as he did, that he feels deeply committed to a strong and unified Spain was entirely vital. And when one looks for international headlines on the subject and finds “Fashion Soul Sisters: Both are working mothers known for trendy, approachable, traditional-with-a-twist ensembles” (Politico on Twitter) or “The perennially chic Letizia chose to give a sartorial nod to her host in a sparkling $5,095 Nina Ricci” (UK Mail Online), a yawning melancholy sets in. With the suspicion that probably it’s us, the women of this world, who are to blame.