
Why do we forget the name of someone we just met?

Our mind is built with patterns of interconnected information. That is, we memorize things by their connection to other elements. Each element is connected to everything else, not by logic but by coincidence of time, place, how we learned the information and what it means. When we meet someone for the first time, their name is an arbitrary element that is not connected to other things that we might know later.

It is very common to meet a person and forget their name. This lapse in our memory is explained by the nature of our brain. Neurologist Tom Sttaford explains that the human brain is an associative one.

Our mind is built with patterns of interconnected information. That is, we memorize things by their connection to other elements. Each element is connected to everything else, not by logic but by coincidence of time, place, how we learned the information and what it means. When we meet someone for the first time, their name is an arbitrary element that is not connected to other things that we might know later.