
A company claims that within 30 years it will bring humans back to life

«First we collected exclusive data from our customers over the years, before their deaths. After death, we freeze the brain using cryonics technology,» says Josh Bocanegra, CEO of Humai. «When the technology is fully develop, we will implement an artificial brain. When the brain ages, nanotechnology will repair and improve the cells.»

Humai, an Austrian company, is working on technology that will bring humans back to life within 30 years. To do this they will use cryonics technology.

«First we collected exclusive data from our customers over the years, before their deaths. After death, we freeze the brain using cryonics technology,» says Josh Bocanegra, CEO of Humai. «When the technology is fully develop, we will implement an artificial brain. When the brain ages, nanotechnology will repair and improve the cells.»