
Video of policeman shooting a black teen puts Chicago on alert

McDonald,17, died on October 20, 2014 after his encounter with officer Van Dyke, of the Chicago Police, who said that at the time the teen was armed with a knife at the time of his death. In the video you see McDonald lying on the ground as the agent shoots him repeatedly even when the victim no longer posed a threat. The policeman, 37, turned himself in the next morning. Authorities have asked citizens to remain calm.

Hundreds of people have taken to the streets of Chicago to protest after the release of  a video showing how a policeman shot black teenager 16 times a year ago. The police officer will be judged.

McDonald,17, died on October 20, 2014 after his encounter with officer Van Dyke, of the Chicago Police, who said that at the time the teen was armed with a knife at the time of his death. In the video you see McDonald lying on the ground as the agent shoots him repeatedly even when the victim no longer posed a threat. The policeman, 37, turned himself in the next morning. Authorities have asked citizens to remain calm.

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