
Obama pardons turkey 'Honest' although he confesses that it "looks like good eating "

In the days prior to the event, American citizens voted for the turkey that should be pardoned and saved from the oven. However, Obama decided on the two top turkeys, Honest and Abe, the second was awarded the title of «National Thanksgiving Turkey.” Since 1621, Thanksgiving Day commemorates the first good harvest of English pioneers who had come to America aboard the Mayflower and shared turkey and pumpkin pie with the American Indians. President Kennedy was the first to forgive the life of a turkey, but it was Ronald Reagan in 1987 that instituted turkey pardon as a tradition.

«I confess that ‘Honest’ looks like good eating, but this is a democracy,» said President Barack Obama when he announced the turkeys granted a pardon this year, a traditional event on Thanksgiving Day.

In the days prior to the event, American citizens voted for the turkey that should be pardoned and saved from the oven. However, Obama decided on the two top turkeys, Honest and Abe, the second was awarded the title of «National Thanksgiving Turkey.” Since 1621, Thanksgiving Day commemorates the first good harvest of English pioneers who had come to America aboard the Mayflower and shared turkey and pumpkin pie with the American Indians. President Kennedy was the first to forgive the life of a turkey, but it was Ronald Reagan in 1987 that instituted turkey pardon as a tradition.

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