The Advantages of Living Terrified
Nothing seems to diminish the enthusiasm for weapons in the prairies deep in North America. They live in peace, with good economic and social status, far from the desperate gangs of Central America, the tragic alleys of Palestine, the violent hunger of Central Africa. They live well and load themselves with weapons.

Nothing seems to diminish the enthusiasm for weapons in the prairies deep in North America. They live in peace, with good economic and social status, far from the desperate gangs of Central America, the tragic alleys of Palestine, the violent hunger of Central Africa. They live well and load themselves with weapons.
Receive a five percent discount with the purchase of weapons in Tennessee, but only if you are a Christian. This is a gun shop owner’s answer to the umpteenth massacre, the one in the town of Roseburg, Oregon.
Several media reported, quoting the survivors, that on October 1st the attacker, Christopher Harper-Mercer, entered the classroom where he studied and began asking students, one by one if they were religious. According to Univision’s website, “the attacker shot a student that said he was a Christian and another that said was a Catholic.”
Roseburg’s answer? Defend the unrestricted sale of weapons. Their love for weapons seemed more powerful than the concern for their children’s safety.
Many neighbors declared being upset by President Barack Obama’s visit. I was greatly shocked by the reaction of a father of a teenager wounded during the attack. He told Fox News what he had replied to Obama’s invitation.
“On principle, I am in disagreement with his policies over gun control, and therefore we will not be attending the visit, “Stacey Boylan told the television channel.
Nothing seems to diminish the enthusiasm for weapons in the prairies deep in North America. They live in peace, with good economic and social status, far from the desperate gangs of Central America, the tragic alleys of Palestine, the violent hunger of Central Africa. They live well and load themselves with weapons.
From the rest of the world’s standpoint, it is hard to understand. Perhaps they look to creating outside their homes, the hell that torments them inside. Perhaps they need to build with their absurd amount of weapons, the danger they cannot live without. Probably, gun factories add to the fatal equation with their financial power and control over the imagery of a country always at war.
And now a storekeeper in Tennessee offers you discounts on the purchase of your next shotgun or handgun to include in your arsenal. You must know though, he will also ask you your religion. If coincidentally you follow a pacific messiah that proclaimed loving one’s neighbor and taught to turn your cheek, the cost of your killing machine is cheaper.
What discount would this salesman make for those who do not believe in the merciful God but in the “eye for an eye”? Would a 15% seem fair?