
Manuel Arias Maldonado: “The task at hand is to recalibrate the modern project, over and against its detractors, who wish to lay it to rest, but also its zealots”

Manuel Arias Maldonado: “The task at hand is to recalibrate the modern project, over and against its detractors, who wish to lay it to rest, but also its zealots”

Arias Maldonado has published Desde las ruinas del futuro. Teoría política de la pandemia (From the Ruins of the Future. Political Theory of the Pandemic), a dialogue for all seasons between the modern Enlightenment and the ancient plague, between the confidence placed in modernity and the fears aroused by the catastrophe that has been triggered by the appearance of  a new coronavirus

The Trust Project, un arma contra las 'fake news' en internet

The Trust Project, un arma contra las 'fake news' en internet

«Siempre ha habido esfuerzos deliberados para utilizar algo que se parece al periodismo para distorsionar las percepciones». Quien habla es la periodista Sally Lehrman, fundadora de The Trust Project, una entidad estadounidense que engloba a medios de comunicación de todo el mundo como con un objetivo común: luchar contra las fake news (noticias falsas) y potenciar la credibilidad del periodismo.


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