Parties Versus Voters
«It goes without saying that the transformation of the party system has very much complicated the life of the Spanish voter»
«It goes without saying that the transformation of the party system has very much complicated the life of the Spanish voter»
«If the plurality of the country ceases to be understood as a problem and comes finally to be seen as an asset, Spain could turn out to be an international point of reference and a model for the resolution of territorial tensions»
«Identity subtracts; tradition adds. Identity is a a cell to lock yourself up in. Tradition is a marvellous attic waiting to be discovered»
«Galdós sees himself in Spain and Spain, whether it knows it or not, has seen itself in Galdós for a century-and-a-half, and that mirror has not yet been broken or entirely tarnished»
«We are about to be hit by the gravest crisis in the history of our democracy and politics today is an obstacle to our dealing with so great a challenge»
«The feared relapse of economic activity is already a reality, with all its terrible consequences for the business and social fabric and its negative impact on national debt»
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