
Un ex espía del Estado Islámico desvela las entrañas del grupo terrorista

Un ex espía del Estado Islámico desvela las entrañas del grupo terrorista

“Cuando te unes a ISIL, durante las clases, preguntan: ¿quién va a ser mártir?”. Quienes alzan la mano “se van a otro grupo”. El periodista Michael Weiss entrevista a este ex alto cargo del ISIL, que relata el contraste entre “el estado de bienestar” y las torturas públicas “la plaza con la jaula del miedo”. Abu Khaled ha vuelto a Alepo para luchar contra Assad y el ISIL en un batallón aliado de los islamistas de Ahrar al-Sham.

The U.S. ends all research on chimpanzees

The U.S. ends all research on chimpanzees

The decision was taken two and a half years after the agency approved new applications for research with apes since they are the closest animals to humans, with whom they share 98 % of genes. » As a result of these changes in recent years and a significant drop in demand for chimpanzees in biomedical research, it is clear that we have reached a turning point ,» said NIH Director Francis Collins in a statement. Last year the US Fish and Wildlife Services declared captive chimpanzees endangered.

Miles de nigerianos han muerto "innecesariamente" en manos del Boko Haram debido a la corrupción en el país

Miles de nigerianos han muerto "innecesariamente" en manos del Boko Haram debido a la corrupción en el país

En un comunicado Muhammadu Buhari ha revelado los contratos militares «ficticios y fantasmas». 1.7 millones asignados para adquirir cuatro aviones, 12 helicópteros y cantidades abundantes de bombas y municiones. Los soldados nunca fueron equipados. Apenas luchaban con unas cuantas balas cuando los extremistas islámicos ocupaban gran parte del noreste de Nigeria. Buhari ha ordenado los arrestos de varios oficiales de alto rango.

Astronauts plant daisies in space

Astronauts plant daisies in space

Scientist Kjell Lindgren has been commissioned to carry out this mission. Lindgren will cultivate plants until early 2016 with a system of water, nutrients and LED lighting in red, blue and green. The current experiment will provide information on how to grow other flowering and fruiting plants in orbit.

El nuevo disco de Adele no estará en streaming

El nuevo disco de Adele no estará en streaming

La razón es comercial: «un intento de no canibalizar las primeras semanas de venta física y de descargas». ‘Hello’, el primer single de ’25’, ha vendido más de 1,1 millones de copias en EEUU y tiene 416 millones de reproducciones en YouTube. ’21’, su anterior álbum, vendió 30 millones de copias y estuvo fuera de Spotify durante meses. Se espera que el nuevo disco venda 2,5 millones de copias durante la primera semana.

Obama defies Republicans and will welcome 10,000 Syrian refugees

Obama defies Republicans and will welcome 10,000 Syrian refugees

«The legislation would introduce unnecessary and impractical requirements would unacceptably obstruct our efforts to assist the most vulnerable people in the world, many of whom are victims of terrorism,» the White House said in a statement. Congressional Republicans Mike McCaul and Richard Hudson have introduced a bill to block the influx of refugees from Syria and Iraq to the US.

Off-duty French police can be armed

Off-duty French police can be armed

Among the measures taken to increase the police’s operational capacity the state of emergency, Prime Minister Manuel Valls added that the government wants to create a structure for radicalized young and will strictly control the return to France of those who have gone for Jihad. «The most important premise of freedom is security «, said the deputy Alain Tourret. «We will be very vigilant. These should be very exceptional and temporary measures.»

Ana Ivanovic the hottest tennis player of 2015

Ana Ivanovic the hottest tennis player of 2015

Ana won 24% of the votes, while Maria Sharapova added 21%, two more points than Eugenie Bouchard, who with 19% fell in the third place. The top ten is completed by Caroline Wozniacki (11%), Angelique Kerber (10 %) , Garbiñe Muguruza ( 5%), Agniescka Radwanska ( 4%), Serena Williams (3% ), Petra Kvitova ( 2%) and Simona Halep (1%).

Tibetans begin their pilgrimage to the 'Heavenly Lake'

Tibetans begin their pilgrimage to the 'Heavenly Lake'

Located in the Damxung and Baingo Counties, 4.718 meters above sea level, it is the highest salt water lake in the world and one of the most beautiful places in Tibet. Namtso is regarded as a sacred lake for Tibetan Buddhists, who make their pilgrimage to this place each year to ‘cleanse their soul’.

Terrorist psychosis grips Europe

Terrorist psychosis grips Europe

On the plane, traveling from Warsaw to Egypt, were 161 passengers, one of them, a 67-year-old warned of a bomb threat. The aircraft made an emergency landing in the city of Burgas, Bulgaria, and following an inspection police reported that it was all due to a «joke» of one of the passengers «had drunk alcohol.» In Italy, some of the country’s most popular tourist sites have been named as «potential targets» of terrorist attacks, raising its security level to 2.

Princess Charlene of Monaco in the spotlight during National Day

Princess Charlene of Monaco in the spotlight during National Day

The celebration was historical because Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriela -not even a year old- became the protagonists, as they look out on the balcony for the first time, in the arms of their parents. The ceremony was marked by gestures of solidarity with the French people, with mentions and tributes in every speech.

The youngest billionaires in the world

The youngest billionaires in the world

The planet’s richest young billionaire is Zuckerberg with a fortune of 33.5 billion dollars, occupying the 16th position among the richest people in the world. Other multibillionaires are Evan Spiegel, CEO of Snapchat, with only 24 he accumulates $1.5 billion. In total, the 46 young billionaires accumulate a fortune of 152.8 billion dollars.

‘Clásico’ will be guarded by about 3,000 agents

‘Clásico’ will be guarded by about 3,000 agents

In total, over 3,000 officers are responsible for ensuring the safety of the 80,000 fans that will witness the encounter. The match will also pay tribute to the victims of the Paris attack. There will be a minute of silence, while the Real Madrid’s stands have confirmed that there not be a mosaic in honor of those killed in Paris.

Former spy of the Islamic State reveals workings of the terrorist group

Former spy of the Islamic State reveals workings of the terrorist group

«When you join ISIS, during classes, they ask who is going to be a martyr?” Those who raise their hands «go to another group.” Journalist Michael Weiss interviews this former commander of ISIS, who recounts the contrast between » the state of well-being » and public tortures like «the square’s cage of fear.» Abu Khaled has returned to Aleppo to fight against Assad and ISIS, with an ally battalion of the Islamists of Ahrar al- Sham.

Salmón genéticamente modificado estará en el mercado en 2018

Salmón genéticamente modificado estará en el mercado en 2018

La Administración de Alimentos y Drogas (FDA según sus siglas en inglés) en Estados Unidos ha aprobado la producción del salmón del Atlántico, que ha sido el primer animal genéticamente modificado para acelerar su proceso de crecimiento y se convertirá en 2018 en el primero en entrar en las cadenas de consumo alimenticio a nivel mundial.

Thousands of Nigerians have died "unnecessarily " in the hands of Boko Haram due to the country’s corruption

Thousands of Nigerians have died "unnecessarily " in the hands of Boko Haram due to the country’s corruption

In a statement, Muhammadu Buhari has revealed military «fictitious, ghost» contracts. 1.7 million dollars were allocated to acquire four aircrafts, 12 helicopters and large quantities of bombs and ammunition. The soldiers were never equipped. They barely fought with a few bullets when Islamic extremists occupied much of northeastern Nigeria. Buhari has ordered the arrests of several senior officers.

Adele's new album will not be streamed

Adele's new album will not be streamed

The reason is commercial: «an attempt to not cannibalize the first weeks of physical sales and downloads.» ‘Hello’, the first single from ’25’ has sold over 1.1 million copies in the US and has 416 million views on YouTube. ‘ 21’, her previous album, sold 30 million copies and was not on Spotify for months. It is expected for the new album to sell 2.5 million copies in the first week.

Un hombre con un fusil mata a dos soldados en Sarajevo al grito de "Alá es grande"

Un hombre con un fusil mata a dos soldados en Sarajevo al grito de "Alá es grande"

Los investigadores aseguran que es demasiado pronto determinar la motivación del ataque. Barajan también la posibilidad de que se trate de un ajuste de cuentas por apuestas. El autor del ataque se suicidó después de verse rodeado en una casa por la policía. Algunos medios locales le han identificado como Enes Omeragic y algunos vecinos aseguran que pertenecía a la wahabí, la corriente más rigorista del islam, y que tenía problemas con las drogas.

La tragedia industrial de Tianjin sigue sin responsables 100 días después

La tragedia industrial de Tianjin sigue sin responsables 100 días después

Las familias de los fallecidos siguen llorando a sus muertos mientras el Gobierno chino sigue sin señalar a los culpables. China inició una investigación judicial para determinar si hubo negligencia, pero aún sigue sin señalarse a los culpables. Días después de la tragedia la prensa local se hizo eco de posibles irregularidades, como que la compañía Ruihai International Logistics no disponía de licencia para almacenar químicos peligrosos. Muchos de los fallecidos fueron bomberos jóvenes que carecían de experiencia.

El éxito de la industria del tejido bazin en Mali

El éxito de la industria del tejido bazin en Mali

Se trata un algodón grueso con un brillo muy característico, que imprime carácter y elegancia a cada una de las prendas. Aunque industria del bazin ha crecido en la nación africana de Malí, la mayoría del material se sigue importando. Por ello se está trabajando para que la producción se asiente en el país, con la esperanza de que esto pueda ayudar a su maltrecha economía.

Francia advierte del riesgo de ser atacados por armas químicas o bacteriológicas

Francia advierte del riesgo de ser atacados por armas químicas o bacteriológicas

«Actualmente no hay que excluir nada. Lo digo con todas las precauciones que se imponen, pero lo sabemos y lo tenemos en cuenta: puede haber riesgo de armas químicas y bacteriológicas», ha asegurado el primer ministro de Francia, Manuel Valls. «Estamos en guerra. No en una guerra a la que la historia nos ha acostumbrado trágicamente. Una nueva guerra, exterior e interior, en la que el terror es el primer objetivo y el primer arma», agregó el primer ministro. 

Reino Unido se prepara para una ola de frío polar

Reino Unido se prepara para una ola de frío polar

Los termómetros alcanzarán el fin de semana los -12 grados, habrá heladas generalizadas y las capas de nieve serán de hasta 20 centímetros. Las autoridades advierten a los ciudadanos que cojan el coche que lo hagan con sumo cuidado y precaución debido a las lluvias torrenciales.

1 de cada 3 personas en el mundo no tiene acceso a un retrete

1 de cada 3 personas en el mundo no tiene acceso a un retrete

Según Naciones Unidas, 2.400 millones de personas carecen de un saneamiento adecuado y casi mil millones carecen de instalaciones de cuartos de baño y se ven obligados a hacer sus necesidades en espacios abiertos. Entre los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio de la ONU está la de reducir a la mitad la proporción de población sin acceso a un saneamiento básico. Pero según el secretario general de Naciones Unidas, Ban Ki-moon, éste será “el objetivo menos conseguido”.

UK prepares for polar freeze

UK prepares for polar freeze

During the weekend thermometers will reach -12 degrees, there will be widespread frost and snowfall will be up to 20 centimeters. Authorities warn citizens that will drive to do so with great caution due to the heavy rains.

Abdel Hamid Abaaoud, el considerado cerebro del 13N, murió en Saint Denis

Abdel Hamid Abaaoud, el considerado cerebro del 13N, murió en Saint Denis

Su cuerpo fue encontrado acribillado a tiros, aunque la Fiscalía indicó que ignora si los impactos son de disparos o de metralla. Junto a él murió otro presunto terrorista que activó su cinturón de explosivos y que, según el fiscal de París, François Molins, todo apunta a que es una mujer. Ésta podría ser pariente de Abaaoud. La operación de ayer en Saint Denis, que duró más de 7 horas, concluyó con al menos dos terroristas muertos y ocho personas arrestadas.

France warns of risk of chemical or bacteriological attacks

France warns of risk of chemical or bacteriological attacks

«We must not rule anything out. I say it with all the precautions needed. But we know and bear in mind that there is also a risk of chemical or bacteriological weapons,” said the French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls. «We are at war. Not the kind of war that history has tragically accustomed us to. A new external and internal war, in which terror is the first goal and the first weapon,» added the Prime Minister.

Man with rifle kills two soldiers in Sarajevo shouting "Allah is great"

Man with rifle kills two soldiers in Sarajevo shouting "Allah is great"

Investigators say it is too early to determine the motivation for the attack. They are also considering the possibility that it was a betting settlement. The perpetrator committed suicide after the police surrounded him in a house. Some local media have identified him as Enes Omeragic, and some neighbors claimed he belonged to the Wahhabi, the strictest current of Islam.

French high-speed train derailed due to driver error

French high-speed train derailed due to driver error

The wrecked train was traveling at a speed of 243 kilometers per hour when the speed limit in the area is 176 kilometers per hour. 11 people died. The train ran a new high-speed line linking Paris and Strasbourg, and derailed near the border with Germany. The train derailed while crossing a bridge and fell into the waters of the Alsace River.

Abdel Hamid Abaaoud, the alleged mastermind of the Paris attacks, died in Saint Denis

Abdel Hamid Abaaoud, the alleged mastermind of the Paris attacks, died in Saint Denis

His body was found riddled with bullets, but the prosecution added it is unclear whether the impacts are from the shooting or shrapnel. Another suspected terrorist who activated an explosives belt was also killed, and according to Paris prosecutor Francois Molins, it seems to have been a woman. This could be a relative of Abaaoud. Yesterday’s operation in Saint Denis, which lasted more than 7 hours, ended with at least two terrorists killed and eight people arrested.

Esta es la fashion blogger más influyente del mundo

Esta es la fashion blogger más influyente del mundo

Atrevida portadora de las últimas tendencias, su estilo, su llamativa melena rubia y sus grandes ojos azules encandilan a más de 5 millones de seguidores en Instagram y factura 8 millones de dólares. Su habilidad para abrirse camino de la nada en el mundo de la moda se han convertido en caso de estudio en Harvard.

100 days after the Tianjin industrial tragedy, no one is held responsible

100 days after the Tianjin industrial tragedy, no one is held responsible

The families of the deceased are still in mourning while the Chinese government still does not point to the guilty. China started a judicial investigation to determine if negligence caused the industrial disaster. Days after the tragedy, local press reported possible irregularities, as the company Ruihai International Logistics did not have a license to store dangerous chemicals or that the port where the explosions occurred was very close to residential areas. Many of those killed were young inexperienced firefighters.


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